
Anastasia Nikolis, PhD is the Visiting Artist-in-Residence at St. John Fisher College, where she teaches courses in literature, creative writing, first year writing, and public humanities.

She received her PhD in English from the University of Rochester in April 2020, focusing on 20th-21st century poetry and poetics with advanced certification in Literary Translation Studies. Her dissertation, Lyric Confession and the Specter of Autobiography in Postmodern American Poetry, was awarded the university’s Outstanding Dissertation Award for the Humanities.

While in graduate school, she was an award-winning teacher for the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program, a Humanities New York Public Humanities Fellow, and a Graduate Student Intern for the Poetry & Literature Center at the Library of Congress, where she worked on the Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature.

Anastasia is the Poetry Editor for the literary translation press, Open Letter Books, where she advocates for the proliferation of contemporary world literature. She also teaches creative writing workshops at Writers & Books literary center.